Changes to the film My final film changed in a few ways than I had originally pictured it would be. Firstly, I had completely different actors in mind. One of my friends had an emergency the day we were supposed to film, so my other friend had to fill in for her. The friend who was originally supposed to play Bella has blonde hair while the friend who actually plays Bella in the film has brunette hair. I had bought a jet black wig because it was a clear difference from my friend's blonde hair. The brunette and jet black hair did not show as big of a difference as I would have liked. I also did not originally intend to end my film opening on a humorous, suspenseful scene. I added a sound effect that made Bella opening the door funnier because her face was shocked with her jaw dropping. This, alongside the change from upbeat music to a suspenseful soundtrack added a more lighthearted tone because it indicated the person at the door ruined Bella's plan that she thought she had got...