Media Theories
I learned about many different media theories recently!
When I learned about active-audience theory, I realized audiences consume media differently based on their own life experiences. I have now become conscious of the fact that I am interpreting media in a way that may be different from the way my friend interprets the same media.
I also learned about representation theory. I now understand that the representation I see on screen is just a reflection of the views and bias of the producers. Everyone has their own idea of a group so there is no one true representation. I learned not to draw conclusions or base my feelings of a group based on the bias representation I see in the media.
Through the agenda setting theory, I learned that the content I see is what the media wants me to see. Media companies post what they feel is the most important. When I see news that is publicized, I just assume it is important information because the news is supposed to showcase relevant information. However, I am just seeing what the media perceives as important. I might be missing important information if the media chooses not to post about it.
I learned that I am also victim to the copycat theory. For example, I see what a character is wearing in the media, and I will want to wear the same outfit. After learning about this theory, I am more conscious to make sure I do not try to imitate the bad actions of the characters in media.
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