Advertising the film

As far as advertisement goes, we are utilizing Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube. We will also be printing physical posters and displaying them in popular public spots around the city. 

There are some concerns that we have regarding advertisement. We are worried that physical posters will fly away or be vandalized. We live in a rainy city and the posters might get ruined in the rain. We will laminate them to ensure minimum damage. We are thinking of putting up the posters in inside locations, like malls and grocery stores. However, we are concerned we will not receive permission to advertise in these locations.

For our social media campaign, we are concerned we will not get enough views and following. To counteract this issue, we have created hashtags that we will utilize, so that fans can constantly retweet and repost using the hashtag. With a trending hashtag, our film is bound to get more traction and notice. For Twitter and Instagram, we also have devised a plan of posting twice a day at 12pm and 8pm because those are optimal times for social media users. We will post at times when users are most active to help us get more views. We will also post on Youtube once every three days so that we allow each video to have time to get views. If we post too many videos at once, then certain videos will not get enough attention. 

We look forward to advertising our film and we are confident the advertising campaign will lead to a successful film!


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